Dents 18 Mois
L'assistance nutritionnelle suppléé l'alimentation orale sans la remplacer.
L helveticus-sensitive strains 1, 3, 4 , 11. 13, 14, and 31 Iabelled S; see table 1 ; were obtained from the stock collection of the lstituto Sperimentale Lattiero Caseario Lodi ; . Derivatives of these strains are listed in table 1. In preparation for experiments, ail strains were grown in MRS broth De Man et al, 1960 ; at 42 oC for 15-18 h. Bacterial growth in milk with or without 100 l!g ml of lysozyme was evaluated by conductance measurements as described previousIy Neviani et al, 1991 ; . Overnight cultures in milk were enumerated in MRS agar plates containing different concentrations of lysozyme. The plates were incubated at.42 "C in BBL anaerobic jars with GASPAK H2 + CO2.
Synnex Technology International Corp., Taipei Systex Corporation, Taipei Tab Limited, Ultimo.
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